

TreemapChart widget in Supervisely is a widget used for displaying a treemap chart. It allows users to visualize data for comparison distribution of different objects. The TreemapChart widget allows easily visualize data to determine the distribution of objects in comparison to each other.

Function signature

    title="Treemap Chart",





TreemapChart title



Determines colors for cells in series in TreemapChart



Determines tooltip for cells in series in TreemapChart


Determines TreemapChart title.

type: str


Determines colors for cells in series in TreemapChart. The colors should be in hex format (e.g. #ff0000).

type: List[str]

default value: None

colors = ["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff"]
chart = TreemapChart(
    title="Treemap Chart",


Determines the tooltip for cells in series in TreemapChart. The tooltip should be in str format and may contain {x} and {y} placeholders. The name of the cell will be shown instead of {x} and the value of the cell will be shown instead of {y}. If not specified, the default tooltip will be used (e.g. name: value)

type: str

default value: None

tooltip = "This is the name: {x}, this is the value: {y}"
chart = TreemapChart(
    title="Treemap Chart",

Methods and attributes

Methods and attributesDescription

add_series(names: List[str], values: List[Union[int, float]])

Adds a new series to the TreemapChart widget.

set_series(names: List[str], values: List[Union[int, float]])

Sets a series to the TreemapChart widget, removing all previous series.

get_series(index: int))

Returns a series from the TreemapChart widget by index.

delete_series(index: int)

Deletes a series from the TreemapChart widget by index.


Returns the clicked datapoint from the TreemapChart widget as namedtuple.

Mini app example

You can find this example in our GitHub repository:


Import libraries

import os

import supervisely as sly
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from import Card, TreemapChart, Container, Text

Init API client

First, we load environment variables with credentials and init API for communicating with Supervisely Instance:


api = sly.Api()

Initialize TreemapChart widget

# Colors are optional. If not specified, the default colors will be used.
colors = [

# Tooltip is optional. If not specified, the default tooltip will be used.
tooltip = "This is the name: {x}, this is the value: {y}"

tc = TreemapChart(title="Treemap Chart", colors=colors, tooltip=tooltip)

Prepare names and values for series

names = ["cats", "dogs", "birds", "fish", "snakes"]
values = [10, 4, 35, 12, 5]

Set series to TreemapChart widget

tc.set_series(names, values)

Using @click event

clicked_datapoint = Text(status="info")
def clicked(datapoint):
    # Datapoint is a namedtuple with fields: series_index, data_index, data
    # data is a dict with fields: name, value
    clicked_datapoint.text = datapoint

Create app layout

Prepare a layout for the app using Card widget with the content parameter and place widget that we've just created in the Container widget.

# Creating Card widget, which will contain the Transfer widget and the Text widget.
card = Card(title="TreemapChart", content=Container(widgets=[dc, clicked_datapoint]))
# Creating the application layout.
layout = Container(widgets=[card])

Create an app using the layout

Create an app object with the layout parameter.

# Initializing the application.
app = sly.Application(layout=layout)

Last updated